1. Do sport
By sport, our body will be healthy, it stimulates the body part to be functionally work well. Try to do sport 1 time in a week.
2. Drink milk
Beside making healthy, the milk is able to make us fat, especially full cream. It is suggested to drink full cream milk 2 times a day.
3. Chew our food
When the food goes to our mouth, don't be lazy to chew it until flabby. We must do this in order to help bilge do digestion, moreover when we eat undigestable food, because there are no more teeth in other parts of our body except in our mouth.
4. Eat regularly
Everyday we have to eat our main food regularly. Always have a breakfast in the morning, have lunch on time, and then have a dinner. And among of them, we can eat all the small and light food (I mean snack, heuheuheu)
5. The kind of food
The kind of food we consume is measured by our activity. If we are a mobile person (EMANGNYA HAPE???), so eat everything which contains carbohydrate or fat. When the carbohydrate or fat composition is over the limit of what we need, they are will be stocked in our body, different from the protein which is not be stocked in our body.
6. Check your healthiness
If we had ever been fat before and then become skinny, try to check your healthiness to doctor. If it was not because of the disease, then we can feel the result in a month.
let's do it....
we will become fat....
fighting oh!!!!!! (gokusen spirit)
ehmm..kyyna pengaruh genetik juga berperan deh..soalnya aku olahraga udah....makanku lumayan banyak..tapi tetep ga bisa endut..hix
Klo mau ndut,bistrip ke korea aja,makanannya enak2 & bergizi tinggi,dijamin bakal naik berat badan :D
Tp buat aq susah jg sih,soalnya aq keturunan langsing dr ortu,ga bs ndut, wufufufufufu :))
cobain deh 2 sendok makan madu setiap pagi dan sebelum tidur yang dilarutkan dalam segelas air hangat. selain bagus untuk stamina tubuh, manmbah nafsu makan juga loh...
ato bisa juga minum madu dicampur kuning telur ayam kampung. dulu aku diminumin itu mulu sama ibuku biar gedut..
ohiya... jangan lupa minum obat cacing setiap 4-6 bulan sekali. hehehehhehe...
how is your weight gaining program going? I'm curious about your personal result
how is your weight gaining program going? I'm curious about your personal result
it's not working for my body to get weight, hiks hiks. Maybe it's my hormonal problem that impossible for me to get more weight....
What can i do ????
Is it possible to do surgery or what?
But I think it's too hyperbole.
I have to thank to God of my body.
I don't have a will to change of the body blessed by God.
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